Thursday, December 1, 2022


Morbid Massacre had just released, please let us know where it was recorded and who engineered it?  Can you let us know the Silent Death full line up for this release?

Morbid Massacre was recorded at Neo Gendang Blackroom Studio somewhere in October 2022 and was engineered by Hadi Pranoto. There is no new full line up for this release, Zizi Hashim is the only line up on vox/growls. All instruments was played by a Sessionists. The reason being is to avoid any future claims, future headaches, bla bla bla 😅

SHM is the label responsible to release this CD, any special deal with the them? How many copies pressed? And why rerecorded the old songs? Why not the 100% new songs?

No special deals with SHM, just normal royalty procedure claim like the other label has approached before. CD limited 300pcs only.

No new songs because the intention is to re-promote old songs for new generation of Silent Death's fan. For most of old-timers memang la kenal Silent Death tu sape kan, tapi utk BBNU ramai yg belum tau lagi banyak lagu-lagu Silent Death yg best-best especially yg dlm EP Break The Silence ni.

Ramai tau Before The Sunrise je, so kami (label and myself) decided untuk promote lagu-lagu dalam EP Break The Silence pulak.

I was thinking "why not?" dan yang otai-otai memang tau pasal Silent Death ni semua dah umur masuk 50-an more or less, yang generasi baru ni yg kita nak target pulak skrg supaya Silent Death tak mati senyap.

What the fan of Silent Death can expect from this new recording? Share with us your experience as the vocalist for this release.

What the fan of Silent Death can expect from this new recording?
The new release is a return to the past for Silent Death in several key respects. The results speak for themselves. I have maintain my role as the Band Manager for more than a decade now, and has already build a big impact in the metal music community, no matter whether it's controversial or not 😅🙏🏻.
I believes i have create this kind of frenzy among a significant amount of Silent Death fans, I mean tiba-tiba Silent Death muncul balik vokal perempuan? Gila tak gila? Ada mirip-mirip suara Stone tapi vokal perempuan,  itu lah yg boleh Silent Death fans expect kelainan pada rilisan kali ni.  

The fact that i have broke this release pattern and suddenly announced a new album after so long, created a lot of initial buzz around “Morbid Massacre”. But in several other respects, I set a new standard by re-embracing the past on some of Stone past best practices/growls.

My experience as the vocalist for this release...
I love Silent Death so much that it has become my sweats and blood for more than a decades, I loved all the albums, all the songs and... its pretty surreal still to this day that I got the chance to re-record my vocals after Stone. Mula-mula mmg rasa mcm "eh betul ke apa yg aku buat ni?" takut-takut pun ada tapi lebih kepada teruja... excited... thrilled... that is life I never know what it has in store for me.

Bukan niat saya nak menggantikan Stone, tiada sape dpt menggantikan kehebatan Stone, jauh sekali saya.... but I was always very driven to turn my dreams into reality. I fought hard for everything I got. And I kept that spirit until today... alhamdulillah saya rasa sgt gembira bila ada komen2 yg kata growls/voxs saya 85% mirip arwah Stone...

Personally, it is very rewarding, walaupun I had a very hard at times being the vox and at the same time becomes manager for the band. Benda-benda orang cakap-cakap saya tu semua saya dah expect tapi saya buat jugak sebab saya rasa apa yg saya buat ni betul. Kalau bukan saya yang buat, siapa yang akan buat? Cuba bagitau. Sementara saya boleh growl ni, nanti dah tua takleh growl dah takde kenangan pulak kan. Saya rekod la jugak buat kenangan hari tua nanti.

Ada yang nak cakap-cakap saya biarkan lah je dorg bercakap saya malas layan 😅 let them talk. Selama saya jaga Silent Death semasa hayat arwah Stone, saya tak pernah tau saya bole growl. Antara sebab saya tak pernah growl sama-sama dengan dia. Saya cuma tau bila arwah start sakit stroke, saya terpaksa jadi bidan terjun ganti dia masa show kat Kota Kinabalu. Masa tu awal thn 2012. Stone yg tgk balik rakaman video saya nyanyi tu dia pun terkejut. Dia tenung muka saya lama (masa tu dia tak bole bercakap), saya cuma angkat bahu je 🤷🏻‍♀️ sebab saya pun tak tahu saya boleh growl.

Anak saya Fenriz siap ckp "mama pinjam suara uncle Stone sebab tu uncle Stone tak boleh cakap". Stone angguk-angguk setuju dengan cakap Fenriz. something yg saya tak pernah terfikir, tak pernah mimpi pun nak buat selama ni...

Any show/gig to support this new release? Any follow up project after Morbid Massacre from Silent Death camp?

Pasal gig ni subjektif sikit. Kalau ada yang invite to perform, then saya kena rekrut sessionist utk back-up on stage. Setakat ni memang takde line-up lain. Saya memang nak elakkan sakit kepala orang cakap itu ini itu tak boleh ini tak boleh, saya bukan anak patung ayahhh 🤣🤣🤣 hahaha sori sori wat lawak lak... 🙏🏻

Maksudnya kalau ada yang ajak perform, timing ngam, deal ok, why not kan? Follow up project, kita tengok yang album ni macamana penerimaan dulu. Kalau sambutan OK dan memberansangkan, kita proceed next project/release in shaa Allah.

As the one who taking care of Silent Death’s right, what are the criteria that you take into consideration before you give a green light to any party that want to release anything using Silent Death moniker?

I'm a very simple person, you come to me elok-elok bincang, senang je kita deal. Takde banyak songeh kriteria sangat. Kena cara, kena dengan harga, dapat agih-agih sorang sket untuk waris-waris dan line up yang ada, bole ON dah.

Sebab bukan banyak pun, bukan release 300,000 copies pun kan. Bukan boleh kaya pun, cuma yang penting yang hak kembali kepada yg berhak, tu je.

Orang takleh buat sukahati macam sebelum saya jaga Silent Death masa Stone hilang lama dulu. Sekarang lebih teratur dan di landasan yg betul.

Ok thanks for your time. All the best with Morbid Massacre. Any last word?

Thank you so much for this interview, maaf bahasa campur-campur tunggang langgang sket 🙏🏻. I’m happy with Morbid Massacre. I hope all of you feel the same way too.

I have conquered my fears in order to make this release a reality, even though this is not really 100% of me and Silent Death but this is the beginning for more to come.

I hope fans of Silent Death will be happy and satisfied with this release and moved by my initiatives, efforts and pure intentions.

I just want to make sure that I am presenting Silent Death in the best way I could and make Stone proud of me 🙏🏻


To get a copy of Morbid Massacre please contact SHM or Official Silent Death page