Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Hi, how’s Malang Indonesia right now? And please update us any news on Extreme Decay camp up till today? I mean any new deal of split, new album, merch etc…

Hi Mack! It's Ravi here, we're doing great, how's yours? We are busy with our own daily activities. The Malang scene's been getting more intense recently, after passed the pandemic circumstances several months ago.

These years' also our busiest time in ExD. We have recorded our materials between June and Sept. 2021, and right after that the ANTIVIRAL EP cassette came out via Disaster Records. Then we signed with Samstrong Records to re-released the EP in 7" format, along with 2 bonus tracks and also remastered audio.

We also have few unreleased materials that was supposed to be planned for a split project with Busuk this year, but unfortunately we have to postponed that. Hopefully we can make it happen in near future.

On April '22 we finally released our 4th full length entitled "DOWNFALL OF A GOD COMPLEX" via SelfMadeGod Records Poland. It was also available on cassette format, released by Grieve Records Jakarta. By the way this album will also be released limitedly in Malaysia by GoatLordth Records, hopefully will come out by November '22.

Lastly we also had just celebrated the 20th grindversary of our 2002 album entitled "SAMPAH DUNIA KETIGA" on Sept. '22 by doing a special reissue in 12" vinyl format, co-released by 3 labels: Disaster Records, Snakecharm Records and Samstrong Records. The reissue was came out with new cover artwork and also has special bonus items on it.

Almost forgot.. we've also been waiting for the DOWNFALL OF A GOD COMPLEX 12" version. it'll be co-released by 10 labels from Europe and South America. We really hope this vinyl will also come out by end of this year, so it made this 'year of the grind' completed :)

Besides of promoting new album Downfall Of A God Complex, any tour/gig to support the album release? And the deal with SelfMadeGod, how it come up?

Oh yeah, we've been doing few promo tour / gigs, started on July '22 in our town. We were helped by our fellow local organizer in which had done small but exuberant showcase/release party. Since I now living in Sumatera Island, and the other member are also busy with their workdays and family lives, we can only do few shows in weekend. The first leg was done in East Java, and then we did Bali chapter on August '22. In the next October there will be 4 shows across Central and West Java.

Regarding the record deals, we sent our promo sampler by email to as many as underground records we know. Fortunately Karol of SelfMadeGod was one of the first to came up and replied our email. He's just an easy guy, I mean no nonsense / straight to the point, definitely grindcore approach :)

How many hours did you spent in the studio for the recording of Downfall Of A God Complex? Is there any unreleased track / b-side from that session?

We spent almost 3 days and 4 nights, 10 shifts (4 hours per shift) in rush to record the materials. There should be 30 songs but we'd only able to record just 23 tracks. There's one song that will only be available in vinyl format as a bonus track.

How actually the cover artwork relates to the album title? Tell us more about the cover work.

The album cover was done nicely by our friend @riokrisma from @Penahitam.Arts collective. They are one of most active and productive art movement in our town. The artwork was painted with acrylic on canvas.

The idea was to have a totem-shaped made from human body in a post-apocalypse world - kind of illustration - to portray a state of contriteness, feeling remorse of human beings for the things that they have done.

Human being act as if they are the center of this universe and they hold their own unshakable belief and privileges (god complex). All they have done is just for benefits of their species in the name of developmentalism and civilization, without considering other existence and the balance of nature. So they will face an irrefutable truth towards world downfall and in the end they beg for absolution/forgiveness from divine power they put their faith upon. But that is useless..

To be honest, your first album Progressive Destruction is my all-time favourite. How do you hook up with Extremist Records for the album deal? Yes I know it was way back in 1999-2000, but if you still remember, please tell us the story.

Oh yeah, we remember that too! Back in the '99 when Buddy Drogheda/Extremist Records contacted us. He knew about us from one of International comps we joined. Then he offered us to release 1000 copies of Progressive Desctruction in CD format. He's a nice guy :)

Holocaust Resistance released in 2010, and the latest album in 2022. Why took so long time for the follow up album? All the best to Extreme Decay, Thank You !

A lot happened during that time. In the middle of the Holocaust Resistence recording session back in the 2008, I moved away to Pekanbaru, Sumatera Island to worked and started a family life. Then Sahery from Perish joined and re-recorded most of guitar recording i have done for Holocaust Resistence. Rulli joined not long after that (as second guitarist) and then Sahery left, back with 4 pieces. Around 2016/2017 Yuda the bassist left and Anizar from Mutant Trooper filled the position. For some time there was no new materials until right before the pandemic started (end of 2019) that I decided to joined back and provoked the other member to start collecting new materials. Afril also decided to changed his position, not as the vocalist anymore but still continue to handle the band's management, so now the vocal dept. are handled by 3 of us: me, Rulli and Nizar. Now the line-up are: Ravi (guitar & voc), Rulli (guitar & voc), Nizar (bass & voc) and Eko (drums).


Thank you for this interview Mack! We are missing to tour Malaysia again so hopefully we can meet some time soon. Cheers & Grind!